Thursday, January 18, 2018

snow day--stitchy day--well NO!!!

Well you would have thought that with a surprise day off because of the snow...that I would have gotten lots of stitching done.  But NO, not one stitch did I do!!!  But it will be ok,today is another day and after work, I will give it my best shot!!!

Until then, just a couple pictures for your enjoyment!!!!

Talk again soon!!! Bonnie


  1. Pretty pictures, Bonnie!
    We don’t have much snow here in the U.K. but when we do it causes a lot of extra work. We regularly feed the birds and when it snows it means unblocking the feeders, clearing the ice on the water bowls, and clearing snow beneath the feeders so the ground feeding birds can eat the falling seeds too. Plus the floor in our hallway needs cleaning more with all the muddy puddles from trotting down the garden!
    So, no, I don’t get much stitching done either when it snows.
    Hoping your snow has gone again now and you can do some stitching.
    Barbara xx

    1. we really don't get much snow either,its been an unusual winter


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